Yes, a new exciting opportunity came around. And it´s one that matches to me like DevOps to KungFu… I joined Chef Software this Monday as a Solutions Architect! While Nutanix is an awesome product I was always focused on automation and finding solutions. When I decided to leave Nutanix and join Chef I thought about a combination of both worlds and here is my farewell gift: A Chef knife plugin for Nutanix Acropolis!
This plugin allows you to “manage” you Nutanix Acropolis by just using knife.
There are several options from the HA status over Snapshot creation to VM information. All the options are here:
As an example you can easily get all your VM´s and copy the ID of one VM to create a snapshot. With the -S option you´ll see them sorted by name. Please note that I stored the host, user and pass in the knife.rb because I´m lazy. If you haven´t store them in the knife config, you have to provide them as an option as well.
Now you can validate the result in the Nutanix UI:
Or with another knife command (Don´t forget the -C option to see all completed tasks):
I hope you´ll see this as a value added to Nutanix and/or Chef because there is no “fog” cloud provider at the moment and it´s easy to extend the functionality if you follow this documentation:
Have fun and stay tuned!